Project Description 

Specific Policies/Targets addressed relevant to MacAirH

Climate Action Plan 2030

  • Section 9.2 Targets
  • Section 9.3 Measures to Deliver Targets

 Climate Action and Development Plan Bill 2021

  • Section 5; 3(1) National Climate Objective
  • Section 6; 4-2(b) Roadmap of actions – sector specific emissions
  • Section 6; 4-8(a) Roadmap of actions – delivering value for money with public finances
  • Section 15; 14B(1) Role of local Authority – preparing a climate mitigation plan
  • Section 19; Amendment of Section 37B of National Oil reserves Agency Act 2007 (a)i (ca) to support projects that seek to increase climate resilience in the state

 SEAI National Home Retrofit Scheme 2020

  • Section 1.1 Objectives (b) test, develop and grow one stop shop retrofit strategies and new delivery models
  • Section 1.1 Objectives (c) upgrade housing stock and provide high standards of energy efficiency and renewable energy use
  • Section 1.1 Objectives (g) empowering housing association and local authorities to lead energy efficient upgrades on the housing stock

EU Renovation Wave Stakeholder Consultation Report

  • Section 2.3 identifying priorities for building renovation
  • Section barriers to building renovation – energy renovation pay off
  • Section barriers to residential building renovation – insufficient understanding of energy use technologies; lack of simple attractive solutions; Lack of trust in savings delivered
  • Section barriers to non-residential building renovation – lack of technical understanding of staff in public/private entities to deal with the renovation process

National Energy Efficiency Action Plan

  • Section 1.1-iii overview table of key objectives - energy efficiency
  • Section 1.1-iii overview table of key objectives – Research, innovation and competitiveness
  • Section 2.1.2 – renewable energy targets for heating and cooling
  • Section 2.2 – dimension energy efficiency (ii) long term renovation strategy

EPBD 2nd Recast

  • Section (2)-1 long term renovation strategy (b) identification of cost-effective approaches to renovation
  • Section (2)-1 long term renovation strategy (c) policies and actions to stimulate cost effective deep renovation of buildings

 Additional Policy Documents

  • Programme for Government
  • National Mitigation Strategy
  • 2030 Climate and Energy Framework
  • National Energy & Climate Plan
  • Part L 2019 Dwellings
  • DEAP Heat Pump Methodology Proposed changes 2019